Bandi Tricho-esthetic Tricho-conditioner against hair loss 230 ml

Bandi Tricho-esthetic Tricho-conditioner against hair loss 230 ml

Lyko DE

A strengthening conditioner for the scalp and hair. It stimulates growth while conditioning hair along all its length.It prevents excessive hair loss, thinning, fragility, weakness and static. It makes hair thicker, stronger, more flexible, shinier and less susceptible to mechanical and thermal damage. It moisturises and smooths leaving the hair light and soft to the touch.Indications:Excessive hair loss of both male and female types, thinning and prevention against loss of hair density. Especially recommended for low and medium porosity.Contraindications:Hypersensitivity to any ingredient of the formulaUse:Tricho-conditioner is designed to be used after every shampooing. Apply to the scalp and hair, massage gently. Leave on for about 5-15 minutes, rinse with warm water. To enhance the effect of stimulating hair growth, thickening and reducing excessive hair loss, we recommend additional application of appropriate products230 ml Bandi Tricho-esthetic Tricho-conditioner against hair loss 230 ml

14.50 €