Hydréa London Classic Body Brush with Natural Bristle

Hydréa London Classic Body Brush with Natural Bristle

Lyko DE

A classic brush suitable for all skin types and perfect for wet body brushing or dry brushing more sensitive skins. FSC certified beechwood Medium strength natural bristle for wet & dry brushingUse: Brush Care After each use, tap the brush to remove dead skin debris. Hand wash the bristles occasionally in warm soapy water. Rinse well and leave to air dry with the bristles facing down on a dry surface. How to Use: Can be used Wet or for Dry Body Brushing 1. Begin at your feet and brush upwards towards your heart. 2. Use sweeping motions whilst applying light pressure. 3. Use small circular motions on the abdomen and chest. 4. Always be careful not to scrub the skin. 5. Finish by rinsing your skin with lukewarm water. Do not use on damaged or broken skin 1 pcs Hydréa London Classic Body Brush with Natural Bristle

17.50 €

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